Monday, July 9, 2012

Check Out

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.
As always, please feel free to contact us anytime at

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Coming Soon

Update Coming Soon

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The amazing rescue of the Cat on my Dads roof.

At around 10 A.M on Friday Katy and JJ found a cat on my Dads roof.
Katy went to school then work and came home at midnight to find the cat still on the roof.
She went inside and told Kelly get a chair while she got a can of sardines and picked out all the bones with her hands so the Cat wouldn’t choke on them.
Katy then went into my Dads room and proceeded to put a pair of long socks on her hands to protect herself from getting scratched by the cat.
Meanwhile Dad is sleeping because it's after midnight.
So they went outside and Katy stood on a chair and put a plate of sardines on the roof to entice the cat to come closer but what she didn’t take into consideration was the slanted roof so the sardine juice poured off the plate and into her eyes, face, clothes and my Dads office chair. Meanwhile Kelly is making sure she doesn't fall off the chair and laughing hysterically, So they decide to get a bigger rolling chair and Kelly gets on the chair on her tip toes and was not able to grab the cat because she couldn't get a good grip on him with the socks on her hands.
After a few close calls and the chair rolling Kelly almost falls and decides to give up. Katy goes inside and decided it would be good idea to call the fire dept. While she was trying to get a hold of the fire dept. Kelly decides to call JJ at about 1 am to have him come over and help before Katy has the town of Buckeye rescue squad come out.
Not to mention wake up my Dad who is not going to be very happy when he finds out what is going on. By the time JJ got there the plate of sardines attracted another cat onto the roof. He gets onto the chair and yells at Katy there are now 2 cats on your roof and the cats want to be there and will get down when they want to.
Katy & JJ decided to give it one more try by Meowing at the cats and putting a towel on the edge of the roof with another can of sardines and thought if the cat would come onto the towel to eat the sardines they could pull the towel and the cat would come with it, all the meowing and sardines didn't work so JJ said it's 1:30am and I am going home the cat will get down on his own.
Katy decided to call her "Fun Size" friend Regino to climb onto the roof but he said it was to late and he wasn’t allowed to take his car out that late so she offered to go pick him up.
After realizing how far he lived she decided to give up for the night.
Saturday morning my Dad wakes up and goes out onto the porch to find a mess of sardines on the concrete,the wall and his towel on the roof.
Kelly woke up and my Dad told her to clean the damn porch and get the sardines off his walk way and wanted to know why his office chair smelled so bad? LOL Later that day after a few more attempts from my Dad, Hailey & Heather my dad calls me to bring him our ladder. I grabbed my camera of course and Erik grabbed the ladder.
My Dad gets up on the ladder and starts the here kitty kitty thing and the cat would only come close enough for my dad to rub the top of it's head but not close enough to grab. Mean while my Dad looks back at me and sees me taking pictures and says "What the Hell is the camera for? LOL..I say so I can blog about it and have picture to go along with it.
The cat doesn’t seem to be bothered by any of this and starts rubbing its back on the roof peak and walking around with a you cant catch me attitude.
Erik went to the garage and found the hard vacuum extender pole and an extension cord and made it into a lasso make shift animal catcher tool.
Kelly gets up on the ladder and try's petting the cat and has to stop because the cat starts swatting at her when she would grab it, Erik hands her the tool and she is able to get it around the neck of the cat and lowers it to the ground and then the cat goes running off with the extension cord and vacuum pole around his neck and my Dad starts yelling my cord and goes running after the cat, I personally was more worried about his vacuum pole but hey I was to busy laughing.LOL
My Dad was able to catch the cat and safely get the pole and extension cord back from the cat. The cat went into the neighbors yard where there was a bowl of food and water left out, so we are thinking it may have been their cat and they were trying to entice it with food and water to come down.
I sure hope the cat learned his lesson and stays off the roof but just incase he doesn't thanks to Erik we now have a cool vacuum pole/critter catcher tool to get it down.
Now the cat keeps coming back and hanging around the front door, probably hoping to get some sardines. Sorry it's so long but it was such an eventful rescue I couldn’t help but take pictures and blog about it.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

More Funny Things Kids Say

So this morning started out with some good laughs.
Hailey & Heather are going to go to my Dads house this morning to make breakfast.
Erik woke up and decided to have some frosted Mini Wheats.Hailey asked him if she could try it so he gave her a little square and she ate it and said "Eeww that tastes like eating sticks"..LOL
I thought Erik was going to choke on his Frosted Mini Wheats.
Hailey decided she wanted to call my Dad to find out when he was coming to get them and he didn’t answer so she left a message saying " Hi, This is Hailey, I want to know when you are coming to get us because I am getting hungry and Daddy is feeding me sticks". LOL LOL LOL
Well he called back and told her that he would be here in 10 minutes and Heather says "oh wow I better get dressed because I am still in my JABAMAS.. what she meant to say was PAJAMAS. LOL Oh Gosh I can always count on my kids for a good laugh. :o)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Things Kids Say

I wanted to blog about something that Hailey said yesterday that made us die laughing.

My Grandmother was in town and was sewing some patches on Hailey's Karate Ghee and Hailey asked her what was inside the little drawer on the sewing machine?

My Grandma : " Oh it's just full of DooDads"

Hailey : " What are DooDads? "

Gramdma : "They are like Thingamajigs"

Erik: " They are like Whatchamacallits"

Hailey: Looks at me confused and says "What the Hell are they talking about?"

We all went Huuu...Then busted up laughing.Haileys eyes filled with tears and I asked her why she was crying and if she thought she was in trouble and she said YES.
So we explained to her that she was not in trouble but she was not allowed to say that anymore.I know we shouldn't have laughed but she was genuinely so confused and so innocent about it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Erik

I stole this idea from The Wright's.
Thanks Ryan & Tifany :o)

Yesterday was Erik's 29th Birthday so I am going to post 29 things about him.

1.Erik is an Amazing husband, he would do anything to put a smile on my face and hear me laugh.

2. He is a great Daddy and has been since the day our girls were born, he never really needed any adjustment time or warming up he just jumped right into feeding and changing diapers and loved every minute of it. He loves being a Dad and is a big kid himslef.

3. Erik loves video games, he will play any chance he gets but doesn't let it take away from time spent with the girls and I. He always makes sure that the time is right before he plays and will stop his game at anytime if I need him to no matter what level he is on or what he is in the middle of.

4. Erik is honestly one of the smartest people I have ever met, he knows so many random things. I am always asking him "How do you know that?" He says I just love knowledge. Learning comes easy for him. Now if he could only learn to take the trash out. LOL Just kidding I love You Babe

5. Erik is great at fixing computers, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my own free 24/7 Geek Squad.

6. Erik is the most Patriotic person I have ever met. He Loves the American Flag and gets chills when he looks up and sees it blowing in the wind. He is Proud to be an American and isn't afraid to show it.

7. Erik has only met his father one time in his life and that was 6 years ago and he has not heard from him again. He doesn't let it bother him though, he knows it's his lost and says the only thing he can do is make sure he is never anything like his Father. I know that will not be a problem for him.

8. Erik loves the Pittsburgh Steelers.. I mean LOVES them he says they are like his 3rd step child.

9. Erik is a big teddy bear, he may look big and intimidating but he is actually a very sensitive guy, At least towards the people he loves.

10. Erik is very funny, he is always trying to make someone laugh by turning the smallest laughing moment into a room full of laughs. He usually takes it a little to far and I have to tell him to stop but I usually never stop laughing. He can always make me laugh.

11. Erik knows when I am in a bad mood and always seems to find a way to make me smile, he does not like to see me unhappy.

12. Erik played football in High School and still talks about how much he loved it and would love to get back out there on the Field and run people over.

13. Erik makes keeping the girls and I safe one of his main priorities. We have the most intense Alarm System in our house and guns upstairs and down so no matter where I am in the house, if I need to I will be able to protect myself. I am Thankful to him that I am able to sleep in peace at night knowing that our house is secure.

14. Erik is a much more positive person then I am , I always tend to look at the worse possible scenario and he is always there to calm me down and tell me that everything will be fine and it will all work out and he is right it always does.

15. Erik has made me a better person, I wouldn't be where I am today without him in my life. He has helped me through a lot of struggles in my life and makes me want to be a better person.

16. Erik and I have been together for 10 years and he deserves a medal for putting up with me and all of the drama in my life that always seems to surface.

17.Erik helps me make dinner almost every night. He tries to help out anyway he can and doesn't complain about it. Unless the Bathroom need cleaning then he will say " Is there anything else i can do to help? He hates cleaning the bathroom LOL

18. Eriks Grandfather helped raise him and Erik Loved him so much and treasures all of the times they spent together, he still to this days strives to make sure that the things he does would make his Grandfather proud.

19. Erik would love to have a Son someday, he wanted a Daddy's girl and he got 2, someday he would like to adopt a Son or beat the odds and try for a Boy. He tells me he wants to name his Son Erik Tank and we will call him Tank...Oh my gosh, Tank is cute for a nickname, but for his legal middle name? I sure hope he is kidding but something tells me he isn't.

20. Erik is really good at not staying mad at me for long, he says "I just don't like being mad at you" and I love that about him LOL

21. I truly believe that he is my soul mate, I wasn't sure I had one out there until I met him then I realised that we we are so much a like and balance each other out so well, now there is no doubt in my mind that he is my soul mate.

22. Erik loves movies and can remember parts of a movie that he has seen once and recite it back to you at a later time.

23. Erik is still a country boy , he loves Sweet tea, grits, fried ochre and many other things I had never heard of until I met him.

24. Erik is from North Carolina and really misses and loves his family back there and would love to go back and visit some time soon.

25. Erik is such a hard worker and has such good work ethic, He is the # 1 Tech in Arizona and I think#6 in the Country. He takes pride in his work and gets things done right the first time.

26. Erik is much handier around the house then I give him credit for, I always under estimate him and his Mr. Fix it skills.

27. Erik has a dream of going to Washington DC and we are hoping to be able to go in 2 years for our 10Th Wedding Anniversary. He will be glowing with patriotism, I can see him now.

28. Erik is a prankster and is always playing some kind of joke on the girls and I, he is always coming up with some silly song that he will walk around teasing the girls with.

29. Erik is an amazing, Husband, Daddy, Son, Brother, Brother In-law, Son In-law, Grandson, Friend and anyone who knows him knows that he is one of a kind and an all around Good Guy.

I Love You Baby with all of my heart and I will never be able to show you how much I appreciate you and Thank You for always being there for me. You are my soul mate and the last ten years that I have known you have been the GREATEST years of my life.

Happy Birthday!